Testimony |
“It will be you, Mariapia, when I am no longer on earth, who will continue my work and follow the path I marked: the path that leads to the great light where only love shines. It will be a difficult journey, steep with obstacles and difficulties but you will succeed in completing it”.
Words spoken by Mother Teresa of Calcutta to Mariapia Fanfani
and related by Maria Grazia Brunelli who was present at their last meeting.
“Je suis persuadé que votre candidature ne peut que contribuer à mieux sensibiliser l’ opinion publique internationale et à lui faire prendre toute la mesure des vertus de la solidarité et de l’ action humanitaire au profit des communautés en situation de précarité ou qui souffrent de la pauvreté, de la maladie et de l’ exclusion, et au-delà, en faveur du dialogue et de l’ entente entre les peuples et les civilisations”.
Mohammed VI, Roi du Maroc.
“I have known Signora Fanfani for a long time and I have always admired her gifts and her concrete, tireless humanitarian commitment and solidarity, expressed as a peculiar form of dialogue and closeness with the poorest peoples and countries in the world.”
Franco Marini, President of the Italian Senate. |
“Her enthusiastic testimony renders proper merit to all those who, through the years, have contributed to peace in the world. However, it would not be possible to achieve significant results if the actions of men and women in uniform were not sustained and supported by many other workers for peace, giants of selflessness, like the supporters of her humanitarian organizations”.
Filiberto Cecchi, Chief of Staff of Italian Army. |